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  • Cell Phone, Electronic Device, and Electronic Communication Policy

  • Children in Classes and Unaccompanied Children

  • Network Access Policy and Contract

  • Copyright Information

  • Computer Use Responsibility

  • Electronic Mail Policy


Electronic devices shall only be used for course-specific work. The professor reserves the right to ban their use at any time. The policy concerning electronic devices for individual courses, seminars, or other guided learning experiences will be determined by the faculty members in charge of such course, seminar, or learning experience.

The DBU campus e-mail system or any other form of DBU electronic communication (i.e. Blackboard, class discussion, Blackboard Collaborate) may not be utilized as an avenue to advertise the selling of goods or soliciting of donations from students, faculty, staff, or members of the university community.


Minor children of DBU students are not permitted to attend class with their parents. Furthermore, minor children may not be unaccompanied at any location or property where DBU classes are taught. If a minor child is brought to the DBU campus or a location where DBU classes are taught, the child must be accompanied by an adult at all times. For their safety and welfare, unaccompanied children on the DBU campus will be escorted to the Campus Security Office, and the parent or guardian will be summoned to pick them up immediately.


Computer facilities are provided to students and faculty at Dallas Baptist University to enrich the learning and teaching experience. This service can only operate successfully if users act responsibly when using these facilities. Unreasonable behavior will disrupt the work of other users. To help users understand their responsibilities to each other and to the University, this policy describes students’ proper use of computer facilities, including resident access to the DBU network. Use of Dallas Baptist University computer facilities is a privilege granted by the University. All students, staff, and faculty are responsible for seeing that these computer facilities are used in an effective, efficient, ethical, and lawful manner. Any violation of these policies can result in disconnection from the DBU network and disciplinary action. DBU staff may monitor e-mail and internet access on the Dallas Baptist University computer network at any time.

Setup and Authorized Use

Each semester, a student must register with the Information Technology division to have access to the DBU network.

The Information Technology (IT) division can offer assistance in purchasing, installing, or configuring a student's computer with the staff resources available at that time. If assistance is needed in any of these areas, phone support will be available. If a problem with an internet connection is suspected, a member of the Information Technology staff will test the connection in a timely manner to verify a working connection. The DBU user is responsible for his/her actions while using campus computer network services including the internet and e-mail. No other individual is allowed to use a student’s registered DBU internet connection. The person to whom an account is assigned will be held responsible for activities that take place with that account.

Use of the DBU network, including access to the Internet, is a privilege, not a right, which may be revoked at any time for misuse. Examples of misuse include, but are not limited to, the following: any attempt to “hack” or otherwise break into or disrupt service; a deliberate act which jeopardizes the integrity of any computer equipment, systems, programs, or any other stored information, including the deliberate propagation of computer viruses; the placing of unlawful information on a system; and the use of fraudulent, harassing, racist, obscene, or pornographic messages. Such materials are not to be sent, received, printed, requested, or stored.


Dallas Baptist University prohibits all users of DBU network resources from violating applicable copyright laws and encourages the use of freely available resources as an alternative to copyright infringement.

Copyright infringement is the act of exercising, without permission or legal authority, one or more of the exclusive rights granted to the copyright owner under section 106 of the Copyright Act (Title 17 of the United States Code). These rights include the right to reproduce or distribute a copyrighted work. In the file-sharing context, downloading or uploading substantial parts of a copyrighted work without authority constitutes an infringement.

Penalties for copyright infringement include civil and criminal penalties. In general, anyone found liable for civil copyright infringement may be ordered to pay either actual damages or "statutory" damages affixed at not less than $750 and not more than $30,000 per work infringed. For "willful" infringement, a court may award up to $150,000 per work infringed. A court can, in its discretion, also assess costs and attorneys' fees. For details, see Title 17, United States Code, Sections 504, 505.

For more information regarding U.S. Copyright Law, please visit


Dallas Baptist University’s Information Technology division provides Information Technology equipment and resources in order to assist the University’s Faculty, Staff, and Students in completing required tasks and assignments. Information Technology equipment and resources may include, but are not limited to: DBU network access, technology equipment, systems, software, databases, and various platforms. Access to computer facilities is restricted to authorized personnel only. All personnel granted access to various Information Technology equipment and resources are to adhere to and abide by the following policies and guidelines stated herein. Failure to adhere to the policies stated herein may result in disciplinary action. Users found in violation of the policies stated herein, are to be reported to the Information Technology division. Dallas Baptist University is not liable for a student or employees personal online activities. Students and employees are advised to use discretion when utilizing the DBU Network for personal online activities.

Penalties for Misuse

Students who are suspected of violating policies regarding computing equipment will be confidentially reported to the appropriate faculty, supervisors, Academic Computer Lab staff, Department Chair, and the Dean, and may be referred to the Vice President for Student Affairs. Disciplinary action will be taken in accordance with the provisions of the DBU Student Handbook and this access policy. Any violation of these policies can and may result in disconnection from the DBU network.

Activities Specifically Prohibited Include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Viewing Internet material deemed inappropriate by Dallas Baptist University;

  • Attempts to find out another user’s password or attempts to break into or hack another user’s account. A computer, computer account, or electronic mail account assigned to an individual must not be used by others without explicit permission from DBU. You are responsible for proper password protection;

  • Attempts to circumvent authentication procedures;

  • Use of another user’s connection to the DBU network;

  • Use of any equipment which interferes with or disrupts the use of the DBU network services of other users;

  • Any attempt to hack or otherwise break into or disrupt service;

  • Deliberate acts which jeopardize the integrity of any computer equipment, systems, programs, or any other stored information, including the deliberate propagation of computer viruses;

  • Attempts to make unauthorized copies of software or otherwise violate applicable copyright laws;

  • Disconnection, connections, or switching of any DBU equipment including printers, servers, etc.;

  • Failure to follow the university e-mail and Internet policies; conduct which violates the DBU Student Handbook;

  • Fraudulent, harassing, or obscene messages and/or materials are not to be sent, viewed, or stored;

  • Electronic communications facilities (such as e-mail) are for university related activities only. E-mail and Internet access can be monitored by the university at any time. Chain letters and other forms of mass mailings are not allowed;

  • Loading or installing personal software onto the network;

  • Use of DBU computers, printers, and other equipment or accounts for commercial or non-university related purposes;

  • Modifying or tampering with network services, wireless access points, wiring, and ports in your room or elsewhere on campus without explicit written permission. This includes extending the network beyond the single network outlet (using a hub, wireless access point, remote access servers, routers, etc.);

  • Establishing a server (for example, game servers) or providing a service that utilizes the shared university bandwidth;

  • Registering an outside domain host name that refers to an IP address within the domain;

  • Only certain wireless devices are allowed on our network at this time, please check with the Information Technology division for the currently accepted wireless devices;

  • Any wireless device or other network device found in unauthorized usage on the DBU network will be confiscated without notice and held pending disciplinary action;

  • No system or network files may be copied from the DBU servers to your DBU personal account or removable media;

  • No system or network files may be copied from external sources to your DBU personal account or into the DBU file servers, or run from removable media;

  • No broadcast messages may be sent from your DBU e-mail account to anyone through the use of any system message utility;

  • No student will be allowed to configure any part of their system for sharing with another student. This includes hard drives, printers, and other such resources;

  • No global e-mail messages can be sent without approval;

  • No sending or downloading large files that could impede or disrupt network speed for other campus users;

  • No changing of your IP address to anything other than the one assigned to you by Information Technology;

  • No using any file sharing applications. This also includes file and print sharing.

  • Due to wireless interference, we cannot guarantee 2.4 GHz will perform well on the WiFi network.


The DBU e-mail system is limited to staff, administration, faculty, and enrolled students. All students are required to have a DBU e-mail account. Its misuse can result in the loss of access to e-mail and/or other resources. Violations of this policy will be dealt with in the same manner as violations of other university policies and may result in a disciplinary review. In such a review, the full range of disciplinary sanctions is available including the loss of information system usage privileges, dismissal from the University, and legal action. Violation of some of the policies may constitute a criminal offense(s). The purpose of the e-mail policy is to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of communication if used appropriately.

The following policies and guidelines are intended to promote responsible use of e-mail:

  1. All e-mail should relate to University matters. Limited personal communication is permissible, but items such as chain letters, fundraisers, commercial use, and mass national efforts are not allowed.

  2. The DBU campus e-mail system, or any other form of DBU electronic communication (i.e. Blackboard, class discussion, Wimba Virtual Classroom), may not be utilized as an avenue to advertise the selling of goods or soliciting of donations from students, faculty, staff, or members of the University community.

  3. Fraudulent, harassing, obscene, or pornographic messages and materials are not to be sent, received, printed, requested, or stored.

  4. Any communication that violates DBU policies and/or local, state, or federal laws and regulations is prohibited.

  5. The content, confidentiality, and maintenance of an electronic mailbox is the responsibility of the person to whom the e-mail account is assigned.

  6. Each person is responsible to eliminate from the file messages no longer needed. Accounts accumulating excess e-mail will be reviewed and addressed by the Vice-President for Financial Affairs.

  7. Be aware of forged mail. If a person has acquired another individual’s password, forged mail could be sent. Also, e-mail that originates from outside DBU may not be subject to strict security. If a message appears out of character for the sender, it may be a forgery, and you should contact the sender by another means for verification.

  8. Although students have individual access passwords to voice-mail, e-mail, and computer network systems, these systems are accessible at all times to and by the University and may be subject to periodic, unannounced inspections for University business purposes. Backup copies of e-mail and voice-mail may be maintained by the University and may be reviewed for business, legal, and/or other reasons.