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Student Ministry

MAST 5313 (3-3-0) Ministry with Students

(CHST 4307, MALA 5362)

This is a survey class designed to help students learn how to develop a quality ministry for junior and senior high school students. This course will also give special attention to ministry with college students. The course will include a review of the characteristics for the age group. Students will study the practical skills needed for providing age appropriate learning experiences and activities for junior high, high school, and college students in the church and the community. The course will include a study of the philosophy, audience, and principles of effective ministry (youth and collegiate) in the local church. Special attention will be given to the role and work of the church youth minister and his/her work with students (college and youth) and parents, and in developing lay leaders for ministry with students. This 5000-level course is cross-listed with a 4000- level course and includes specific graduate course requirements which reflect appropriate deeper learning experiences and rigor in the higher-level course.

Requisites: None.

Offered:  Spring, Online.

MAST 6320 (3-3-0) The Collegiate Campus Minister

The course is an introduction to campus life and student ministry. Attention will be given to the background, philosophy, objectives, and program design. The work and skills of the Collegiate Minister will be studied in detail. The director’s relationship, responsibility, and function will be examined. The student will simulate the role of the director in such areas as programming, administration, and personal ministries.

Requisites: None.

Offered:  Online.

MAST 6350 (3-3-0) Family-Based Student Ministry

A study of the developmental aspects of the way junior and senior high school students relate to and live with their parents, siblings, and extended family members. Special emphasis will be given to the identification of needs and problems unique to families, both churched and unchurched, and the value of local churches addressing those needs and problems. Special attention will also be given to such topics as the relationship between adolescents and middle-adulthood, the separation process, multiple family configurations of modern society, and sibling relationships. The students will also develop a strategic plan to minister to teenagers and their families through the local church.

Requisites: None.

Offered:  Online.

MAST 6351 (3-3-0) Student Cultural Issues

A study of the social problems of junior and senior high school students as well as college students in America within their cultural context. The world of adolescence will be examined giving special attention to school, media, friendships, family, community, church, and other relevant social issues. In addition, the world of collegiate students will also be explored. Ministry implications and current trends will also be discussed.

Requisites: None.

Offered:  Online.

MAST 6352 (3-3-0) Student Ministry in a Global Context

This is a survey class designed to help students learn how to develop a quality student ministry within a global, multi-cultural, multi-ethnic, and international context. The course will include an overview of various ethnic characteristics, political agendas, and ideological viewpoints including but not limited to Asian-American, Hispanic, African-American, and Native-American ethnic groups. Students will study practical skills and educational techniques necessary for impacting students (college and youth) from various ethnic backgrounds as well as explore ministerial approaches to reaching students with the gospel internationally. Special attention will be given to theological and philosophical foundations for student ministry within the multi- cultural and specific ethnic context of the local church.

Requisites: None.

Offered:  Online.

MAST 6353 (3-3-0) Adolescent Development

A study will be made of the developmental process of adolescence. Special attention will be given to the physical, cognitive, social, emotional, spiritual, sexual, and personality development during the teenage years. The purpose of this course is to provide students with insights to address creatively contemporary issues related to teenagers in church ministry and related vocations. The course will also address basic adolescent counseling and equip students with basic skills to counsel youth who are struggling with common adolescent issues and various crisis situations.

Requisites: None.

Offered: Spring.

MAST 6354 (3-3-0) Collegiate Ministry Strategies

This is a survey class designed to help students learn how to develop a strategic ministry to collegians. This course will include a review of the characteristics and developmental aspects of college students. Students will study the practical skills needed   for providing age-appropriate learning experiences and activities for college students in the church and community. The course will also include a study of the philosophy, audience, and principles of effective collegiate ministry in the local church and through campus ministries. Special attention will be given to the role and work of the college minister and his/her work in enlisting and developing lay leaders for ministry with college students. It will also explore ways college students can be integrated into the overall ministry of the local church.

Requisites: None.

Offered:  Spring, Summer, Online.

MAST 6356 (3-3-0) Developing Student Ministry Lay Leaders

This course will give strong focus to developing a theology of service for church members and leaders that includes polity and the way a church, specifically a student ministry, organizes for its work. Areas covered are discovering student ministry leaders through their spiritual gifts assessment, effective ways for enlisting people to serve, providing training for service, establishing a climate for service, evaluating service, and providing support for those who serve. At least half of the course will focus on developing adolescent and collegiate leaders and equipping them in biblical leadership skills for future and current leadership opportunities.

Requisites: None.

Offered:  Spring, Online.