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Worship Studies

WORS 5307 (3-3-0) History of Worship Song

(MALA 5373, MUSI 4305)

This course will equip the student with an understanding of the history, practice, and function of corporate worship song from the ancient church to the present day. Psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs are studied from biblical, historical, theological, and musical perspectives. Worship song stylistic periods will be explored and the church culture in which these styles developed. Worship song as literature, music, and theology will be explored. Current performance practice is studied in order to prepare the worship leader with necessary skill sets in order to lead corporate song for the Christian faith. This 5000-level course is cross-listed with a 4000-level course and includes specific graduate course requirements which reflect appropriate deeper learning experiences and rigor in the higher-level course.

Requisites: None.

Offered:  Spring, Online.

WORS 5309 (3-3-0) Worship Life: Education and Administration

A survey course encompassing all aspects of administration in a comprehensive ministry of Christian Worship. The survey includes administration of worship programs, music and related fine arts programs informing worship events, budgeting, scheduling for weekday and Sunday events, multi-generational fine arts education for worship, worship leader training and staff relationship team building. The survey will address the pastoral role of the worship leader, including administrative skill sets and soft skill sets necessary for the development and administration of a comprehensive worship life in Christian faith and practice.

Requisites: None.

Offered:  Fall.

WORS 5310 (3-3-0) Worship Philosophy and Practice

This course is designed to assist the student in developing a sound philosophy of Christian worship. A survey of biblical, historical, and psychological foundations in worship will aid the student in formulating services of worship. An examination of common practice, cultural, and aesthetic issues concerning worship will develop student skill sets necessary in synthesizing and incorporating key worship materials for Christian faith and practice. The study includes the incorporation of the fine arts in worship experiences and explores how to mentor worship artists in the visual and performing arts in order to foster their artistic leadership in the context of worship.

Requisites: None.

Offered:  Spring, Online.

WORS 6303 (3-3-0) Spiritual Formation and Worship

This course provides a broad overview of spiritual formation and Christian worship. It explores personal formation, including the inward disciplines of meditation, prayer, fasting, study and the outward disciplines of simplicity, solitude, submission, and service, based upon biblical principles which lead to a life building upon biblical servant leadership. The study also explores integration of worship in the personal life of the Christian and the corporate life of the Christian church.

Requisites: None.

Offered:  Fall, Spring, Summer, Online. 

WORS 6308 (3-3-0) Worship Through the Ages

This course will survey the history and practice of Christian worship from the New Testament era through the present. Students will trace the development of Christian worship practice with emphasis on cultural and historical context, key leaders, movements, technological developments and geographic locations. The study will include rites, liturgies, symbols, writings and elements held sacred in Christian tradition.

Requisites: None.

Offered:  Spring, Online.

WORS 6313 (3-3-0) 21st Century Transformational Worship

This course examines the biblical, historical, philosophical, and practical issues that provide "meaning" in the worship leader's life and ministry. This course draws upon the entire degree curriculum to encourage the development of a comprehensive worship ministry. Focus will be given toward encouraging a minister's self-awareness and evaluation, serious moral reflection upon the nature and content of ministry practice, and on-going worship ministry evaluation. The course aims to equip worship leaders to analyze a ministry context for its transformational qualities and to make changes to enhance this dimension personally and corporately.

Requisites: None.

Offered:  Spring, Online.

WORS 6316 (3-3-0) Worship Theology for Contemporary Ministry

The course examines biblical, historical, and practical issues regarding theologies of Christian worship. The study explores theological foundations for understanding worship practice, assesses theological implications of personal and corporate worship ministry, and equips worship leaders in the application of a theology of worship in contemporary ministry contexts.

Requisites: None.

Offered:  Fall, Online.

WORS 6325 (3-3-0) Worship Praxis I: Worship Song: Creation, Selection, and Implementation

This course explores the creation, selection, and implementation of worship song in Christian faith and practice. Current worship song is explored through compositional technique, song form, melodic construction and lyric analysis from a theological perspective. The appropriate selection of worship song for the church will be addressed, including worship song that encompasses all voice types and ranges of the congregation. Multigenerational worship song will be explored. The use of the vast repertoire of resources in worship song in planning of corporate worship experiences, including believer’s baptism, communion, wedding services and memorial services, will be discussed.

Requisites: Audition only; Director approval.

Offered:  Fall.

WORS 6326 (3-3-0) Worship Praxis II: Worship Media: Technology and Production

This course acquaints the student with current technologies and production standards available to the church in the service of worship. The student will explore technologies and production values which enhance the worship experience including: audio design, sound mixing, lighting design and fine arts aesthetics. The appropriate use of the communication and visual arts in the creative art of worship is addressed. The study will center on current trends in the use of such technologies and explore criteria for the evaluation of trends in worship technology and production. During the course of study, the student will develop a sound philosophy of the use of the visual and audio arts in the creation of the corporate worship vehicle.

Requisites: Audition only; Director approval.

Offered:  Spring.

WORS 6327 (3-3-0) Worship Praxis III: Worship Leading: Preparation and Presentation

This course explores advanced techniques in leading, directing, and communicating with various music ensembles including: worship bands, vocal worship ensembles, instrumental ensembles and worship choirs. The student will explore the preparation and presentation of musical, technical, and administrative elements and their application in modern worship. Rehearsal concepts for the worship pastor and musical director in facilitating efficient and effective rehearsals are addressed, including charting and arranging. Emphasis will be placed on shepherding the artistry of musicians in the worship context. The course  will explore the appropriate musical and spiritual attributes of the worship pastor in rehearsal planning and leading.  

Requisites: Audition only; Director approval.

Offered:  Fall.

WORS 6328 (3-3-0) Worship Praxis IV: The Instruments of Worship

This course explores principles and methods of current worship performance practice in the use of instruments in worship. The student will become universally acquainted with instruments used in current worship practice and will gain a knowledge of how to relate to a variety of instrumentalists in creating a cohesive musical band or ensemble. The student will gain foundational techniques using appropriate communication skills and musical techniques for instruction of specific instrumentalists in order to achieve the appropriate musical outcomes and objectives. The use of modern technological resources including clicks, tracks and loops will be discussed. The technical and musical collaboration with the worship leader, music director, instrumentalists, vocalists and the sound engineer will be explored. Issues concerning appropriate worship song sound design and hearing health will be addressed.

Requisites: Audition only; Director approval.

Offered:  Spring.

WORS 6329 (3-3-0) Worship Praxis V: Worship Leader Travel Study

This course is an experiential learning travel study to a nationally recognized Worship Leader Conference. The topic of study will focus upon the specific workshops and worship events presented at the conference in conjunction with an independent study associated with the themes of the conference. The course will acquaint the student with best practices in the current field of worship education, planning and leadership in observation and interaction with skilled worship leader practitioners.

Requisites: Audition only; Director approval.

Offered:  Periodically.