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Master of Arts in International Studies/Master of Arts in Leadership


The Master of Arts in International Studies/Master of Arts in Leadership degree is designed to equip students with the foundational knowledge of general leadership principles alongside particularized knowledge about international leadership in global settings. Through this dual degree program, students will gain an understanding of both the need to contextualize their leadership practices to fit the culture that they are leading in, as well as utilize sound leadership principles that are generalizable in any setting. Upon completing the program, students will be equipped to lead in global businesses, intercultural settings, international relations positions, and in multicultural ministries.  


Existing admission criteria remain the same for both degree programs.

REQUIRED SHARED CURRICULUM - 3 hours (excluding prerequisites)


Credit hours

Required Shared Curriculum


DISC 5302 - Biblical Servant Leadership

MA IN INTERNATIONAL STUDIES REQUIRED CURRICULUM - 30 hours (excluding prerequisites)


Credit hours

Required Curriculum


MAIS 5301 - Contemporary Global Issues (Travel Study)
MAIS 5302 - Geopolitics Through the Lens of Geography 
MAIS 5303 - Christian Perspectives on Global Religions and Worldviews (S-L)*
MAIS 5305 - Cultural Intelligence
MAIS 5317 - Comparing Government Structures and Political Systems
MAIS 5318 - International Political Economy

Select a MA in International Studies 12-hour concentration and complete the required courses.

If a student chooses a concentration other than the International Immersion concentration, he/she must take MAIS 5310 Short Term Immersion Experience (S-L) as one of the four courses for his/her concentration.

(Concentrations are listed on the single degree plan.)

Three (3) hours of the MA in Leadership Required Curriculum serve as an elective for the MA in International Studies Required Curriculum.

MA IN LEADERSHIP REQUIRED CURRICULUM - 27 hours (excluding prerequisites)


Credit hours

Required Curriculum


MAL 5302 - Vision-Casting and Leading Change
MAL 5308 - Great Leaders in History
MAL 6301 - Christian Worldview of Leadership
MAL 6303 - Leadership in Conflict and Adversity
MAL 6304 - Leadership Communication
MAL 6305 - Relational Leadership and Emotional Intelligence
MAL 6306 - Cross-Cultural and Global Leadership
MANA 6310 - Leadership in Management
MANA 6320 - Business Ethics
Six (6) hours of the MA in International Studies Required Curriculum serve as electives for the MA in Leadership Required Curriculum.


3 hours

Required Shared Curriculum

30 hours

MA in International Studies Required Curriculum

27 hours

MA in Leadership Required Curriculum

60 hours

TOTAL Dual Degree (excluding prerequisites)

*(S-L)=Course(s) with field-based service-learning component.

Refer to individual course descriptions for course requisites.


Find course descriptions by category under the Graduate Course Descriptions section in the navigation panel.