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Master of Arts in Student Ministry/Master of Business Administration


Student ministers pursue the Master of Arts in Student Ministry and the Master of Arts in Business Administration dual degree to obtain and strengthen the skills and competencies needed to be effective in student ministry leadership roles such as student ministers in the local church, leaders of student ministry para-church organizations, and/or global student ministry. In addition, while the vast majority of students admitted to this unique dual degree program may already be serving in a ministry or believe they are called to serve, students include those who have started a business career and subsequently sense a call to the ministry.


  • Old Testament Survey

  • New Testament Survey


Accounting I and II
ACCT 5311 - Survey of Accounting

Business Law
MANA 51.522 - Business Legal Environment

Microeconomics and Macroeconomics
ECON 5311 - Managerial Economics

Financial Management
FINA 51.521 - Foundations of Finance

Principles of Management
MANA 51.521 - Management Theory

Principles of Marketing
MRKT 51.521 - Marketing Concepts

MANA 6303 - Research and Statistics

BUAD 5301 - Orientation to American Business Techniques and Culture (for International students only).

Prerequisites may be met with equivalent courses from another institution or from a passing grade on the GSOM Old Testament and New Testament equivalency exams and do not count toward degree completion.

Note: Church Membership Requirement (for admission into the EDD in Educational Leadership—all concentrations, PHD in Leadership Studies’ Ministry Concentration, Master’s Ministry Degrees, and Advanced Ministry Certificate Programs): Within the last 12 months, the applicant must have been an active member of a Christian church that holds Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior and who holds solely the Old Testament and the New Testament as sacred Scripture.


Continuance in the program past the first 12 hours is pending submission of a satisfactory score on the Miller Analogies Test (MAT) or Graduate Record Examinations® (GRE®).

MA IN STUDENT MINISTRY REQUIRED CURRICULUM - 30 hours (excluding prerequisites)


Credit hours

Required Curriculum


DISC 5302 - Biblical Servant Leadership
GSOM 6310 - Ministry Mentorship (S-L)*
MAST 5313 - Ministry with Students
MAST 6351 - Student Cultural Issues
MAST 6352 - Student Ministry in Global Context
MAST 6356 - Developing Student Ministry Lay Leaders*
THEO 5313 - Applied Hermeneutics
THEO 6305 - Christian History and Heritage
THEO 6306 - Systematic Theology
WORS 6303 - Spiritual Formation and Worship
Six (6) hours of the MBA Required Curriculum serve as electives for the MA in Student Ministry Required Curriculum.

MBA REQUIRED CURRICULUM - 30 hours (excluding prerequisites)


Credit hours

Required Curriculum


ACCT 6321 - Managerial Accounting
FINA 6301 - Corporate Finance
MANA 6302 - Quantitative Analysis for Managers
MANA 6310 - Leadership in Management
MANA 6320 - Business Ethics
MANA 6341 - Strategic Management Decisions (S-L)* (Capstone course)
MISM 6314 - Management Information Systems
MRKT 6301 - Creative Problem Solving for Marketing Decisions (S-L)
Select two courses from
MBA concentrations with approval of Program Director or Academic Advisor.
Six (6) hours of the MA in Student Ministry Required Curriculum serve as electives for the MBA Required Curriculum.


30 hours

MA in Student Ministry Required Curriculum

30 hours

MBA Required Curriculum

60 hours

TOTAL Dual Degree (excluding prerequisites)

*(S-L)=Course(s) with field-based service-learning component.

Refer to individual course descriptions for course requisites.


Find course descriptions by category under the Graduate Course Descriptions section in the navigation panel.