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Master of Liberal Arts

The Master of Liberal Arts degree is designed to meet the needs of the student who wants a flexible, multifaceted graduate education with variable content options rather than specialization in a single discipline. This flexibility is appealing to a wide range of people who want an expanded liberal arts education and an enhanced understanding of their heritage. Students may take a combination of courses in the Arts, Humanities, and Christian Ministry.

The Master of Liberal Arts is an approved member of the Association of Graduate Liberal Studies Programs.


There are no additional requirements other than those required for admission to the graduate program at DBU.

Curriculum Overview   

The 30-credit-hour curriculum is comprised of a three-credit-hour interdisciplinary core with two options available for the completion of the remaining 27 hours.


Credit hours

Core Courses

MALA 5302 - Servant Leadership and Worldviews (S-L)


Interdisciplinary Track

Complete any combination of DBU graduate courses


Single Discipline Track
Concentration (18 hours)
Electives (9 hours)


Single Discipline Track (INSTRUCTIONAL)

Core courses (6 hours)

Concentration courses (18 hours)

Designated Electives (6 hours)


Concentrations available to the MLA student in the Single Discipline track are:


Choose 6 classes from the following:
ART 5376 - Drawing and the Liberal Arts I    
ART 5377 - Painting and the Liberal Arts
MALA 5329 - Color and Composition  
MALA 5333 - Fine Arts in East Asia
MALA 5336 - Illustration I (Prerequisite: ART 5376)
MALA 5337 - Illustration II (Prerequisite: MALA 5336)
MALA 5359 - History of Graphic Design I
MALA 5360 - History of Graphic Design II
MALA 5363 - Advertising Design (S-L)
MALA 5369 - History of Modern Art
MALA 5370 - Western Culture through the Arts
MALA 5372 - The Arts and the Creative Process
MALA 5385 - Special Topics in Art
MALA 6382 - Travel Study in Fine Arts
Other classes may be approved by the Program Director.

Christian Studies
Choose 6 classes from the following:
HIST 5301 - Western Church History
HIST 5302 - History of Religion in America
HIST 5303 - Baptist History
HIST 5357 - History of the Reformation
MALA 5355 - Systematic Theology 
MALA 5358 - Teaching Ministry of the Church
MALA 5361 - Children’s Ministry in the Church
MALA 5362 - Youth Ministry in the Church
MALA 5380 - Ethnomusicology in Cross-Cultural Service 
MALA 6384 - Travel Study in Religion
THEO 5310 - The Gospels   
THEO 5321 - The Early Life and Letters of Paul 
THEO 5322 - The Later Life and Letters of Paul 
THEO 5336 - The General Epistles
THEO 5345 - Christianity in a Pluralistic World
THEO 5360 - Special Topics in Religion 
Other classes may be approved by the Program Director.

Commercial Art (Required concentration courses - 27 hours)
ART 5376 - Drawing and the Liberal Arts I    
ART 5377 - Painting and the Liberal Arts
MALA 5336 - Illustration I (Prerequisite: ART 5376)
MALA 5337 - Illustration II (Prerequisite: MALA 5336)
MALA 5363 - Advertising Design (S-L)

MALA 5359 - History of Graphic Design I
MALA 5360 - History of Graphic Design II

MALA 5385 - Special Topics in Art
MALA 6376 - Drawing and the Liberal Arts II (Prerequisite: ART 5376)
MALA 6378 - Graduate Internship in Publishing
MALA 6079 - Graduate Show (0-hour course)
NOTE:  Prerequisites must be met before a student can register for a specific course. Portfolio evaluation by the Program Director for students who have earned a bachelor’s degree from another institution.

East Asian Studies
Choose 6 classes from the following:
MALA 5331 - History and Culture of East Asia
MALA 5332 - History of East Asian Philosophy and Religion
MALA 5333 - Fine Arts in East Asia
MALA 5334 - Literature of East Asia
MALA 5309 - Essentials of East Asian Language
MAGL 5355 - Leadership in East Asia
MAGL 5356 - Business and Finance in East Asia
MAGL 5357 - Understanding East Asian Civilization and Culture
MAGL 5359 - Travel Study in East Asia

Choose 6 classes from the following:
ENGL 5302 - Introduction to Linguistics
ENGL 5319 - Introduction to Literary Theory 
ENGL 5340 - Studies in Global Literature
ENGL 5341 - Modern Christian Authors
ENGL 5344 - Studies in Fiction
ENGL 5346 - Special Topics in English
ENGL 5347 - Studies in Drama
ENGL 5348 - Studies in Poetry
ENGL 5349 - Shakespeare
MALA 5342 - Select Topics in Linguistics
MALA 5345 - Studies in Nonfiction
Other classes may be approved by the Program Director.

English as a Second Language

Choose 6 classes from the following:
ESLS 5301 - Second Language Acquisition
ESLS 5304 - Methods in Teaching ESL
ESLS 5306 - Content Area Language Proficiency Skills
ESLS 5308 - Multicultural and Multilingual Learning Environments
ESLS 5310 - Administration of ESL Programs
ESLS 5312 - Practicum for State Certification (S-L)
ESLS 5314 - Practicum in ESL/EFL Settings (S-L)
ESLS 5320 - Assessing English Language Learners
ESLS 5321 - Linguistics for Reading and ESL

Other classes may be approved by the Program Director.

Fine Arts
Choose 6 classes from the following:
ART 5376 - Drawing and the Liberal Arts I    
ART 5377 - Painting and the Liberal Arts
ENGL 5347 - Studies in Drama
MALA 5320 - Technology in Communication
MALA 5321 - Readers Theater (S-L)
MALA 5322 - Communication Styles: A Key to Business Success
MALA 5372 - The Arts and the Creative Process
MALA 5380 - Ethnomusicology in Cross-Cultural Service 
MALA 5385 - Special Topics in Art
MALA 5399 - Opera Workshop
MALA 6382 - Travel Study in Fine Arts
Other classes may be approved by the Program Director.

Choose 6 classes from the following:
HIST 5301 - Western Church History    
HIST 5302 - History of Religion in America
HIST 5303 - Baptist History
HIST 5304 - American Diplomatic History
HIST 5305 - History of Texas
HIST 5308 - Medieval History
HIST 5312 - The Twentieth Century
HIST 5354 - Ancient Civilizations
HIST 5357 - History of the Reformation
HIST 5388 - Foundations of the American Republic
MALA 5328 - Topics in Latin American History
MALA 5371 - U.S. Intellectual and Social History
MALA 5389 - Civil War and Reconstruction
Other classes may be approved by the Program Director.

Choose 6 classes from the following:
MAGL 5330 - Introduction to Missiology
MAGL 5331 - Cross-Cultural Living and Ministry
MAGL 5332 - Strategies for Missionary Work
MAGL 5333 - Local Church on Mission
MAGL 5334 - Chronological Bible Storying
MAGL 5335 - Biographies of Outstanding Missionaries
MAGL 5340 - Integrating Faith and Cultures
MAGL 5341 - Global Christianity
MAGL 5342 - Ethnography, Cultures, and Worldviews
MAGL 5343 - Understanding Islam
MAGL 5344 - Strategies for Urban Ministries
Other classes may be approved by the Program Director.

Political Science
Choose 6 classes from the following:
POLS 5304 - American Diplomatic History
POLS 5311 - Political Communication
POLS 5313 - Religion and Politics in the United States
POLS 5314 - International Relations
POLS 5315 - Municipal Government and Urban Development
POLS 5316 - Study of Public Administration
POLS 5317 - Comparing Government Structures and Political Systems 
POLS 5318 - American Political Tradition
Other classes may be approved by the Program Director.

Single-Discipline Tracks (INSTRUCTIONAL)


Credit hours


Core Courses


ENGL 5340 - Studies in Global Literature

MALA 5302 - Servant Leadership and Worldviews

Concentration Courses


Choose 6 courses

ENGL 5302 - Introduction to Linguistics

ENGL 5319 - Introduction to Literary Theory

ENGL 5341 - Modern Christian Authors

ENGL 5344 - Studies in Fiction

ENGL 5346 - Special Topics in English

ENGL 5347 - Studies in Drama

ENGL 5348 - Studies in Poetry

ENGL 5349 - Shakespeare

MALA 5342 - Select Topics in Linguistics

MALA 5345 - Studies in Nonfiction

Concentration Specific Electives


EDUC 6302 - Research in Education (S-L)

EDUC 6304 - Improvement of Instruction


Core Courses


HIST 5301 - Western Church History

MALA 5302 - Servant Leadership and Worldviews (S-L)

Concentration Courses


Choose 6 courses

HIST 5301 - Western Church History

HIST 5302 - History of Religion in America

HIST 5303 - Baptist History

HIST 5304 - American Diplomatic History

HIST 5305 - History of Texas

HIST 5308 - Medieval History

HIST 5312 - The Twentieth Century

HIST 5354 - Ancient Civilizations

HIST 5357 - History of the Reformation

HIST 5388 - Foundations of the American Republic

MALA 5328 - Topics in Latin American History

MALA 5335 - American Republic: 1800-1850’s

MALA 5371 - U.S. Intellectual and Social History

MALA 5389 - Civil War and Reconstruction

Concentration Specific Electives


EDUC 6302 - Research in Education (S-L)

EDUC 6303 - Emerging Technologies

Total Credit Hours Required


(S-L)=Course(s) with field-based service-learning component.

Refer to individual course descriptions for course requisites.


Find course descriptions by category under the Graduate Course Descriptions section in the navigation panel.