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COMA 1261, 2261, 3261, 4261 (2-1-4) Opera Workshop

(MUSI 1261, 2261, 3261, 4261, MALA 5399)

The study and performance of scenes from great operas throughout history. This is an elective class and requires an audition.

Requisites: None.

Offered: Fall.

COMA 1302 (3-3-0) Speech and Interpersonal Communication

Basic communication strategies will be explored in this course that will include public speaking and interpersonal communication focusing on audience awareness, nonverbal communication, group awareness, and other aspects of interpersonal communication. This course will serve as a foundation for all courses within the Communication program. Students taking the online version of this course will need to have access to a video recording device.

Requisites: None.

Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer, Online.

COMA 1371, 2371, 3371, 4371 (3-1-3) Theater Practicum

(MUSI 1371, 2371, 3371, 4371, MALA 5379)

Practical, technical experiences in areas of stage craft, lighting, costuming, properties, house management, and makeup.

Requisites: None.

Offered: Periodically.

COMA 2050 (1-0-0) Sophomore Portfolio Review

(ART 2050)

Commercial Art, Graphic Design and/or Digital Photography students are required to submit their portfolios for a sophomore review. Multiple evaluators, with field experience, will review each portfolio to discern whether or not the student is suited for a career in their chosen field. Credit is given based upon the student’s ability to demonstrate each aptitude through the work submitted. Students who fail the evaluation will be required to repeat the evaluation in the following semester. If they fail a second time, they will be advised to choose a different major.

Requisites: Second semester sophomore, COMA graphic design majors. ART 1301, 1303, COMA 2314 must also be taken.

Offered: Fall, Spring.

COMA 2302 (3-3-0) Voice and Articulation

Paralanguage code study of voice and articulation, the vocal mechanism, and phonetics. Exercises will add the nonverbal voice code to printed texts for oral performance experiences.

Requisites: COMA 1302.

Offered: Fall, Spring, Online.

COMA 2304 (3-3-0) Introduction to Broadcast/ Digital Media

Study and use of the fundamentals of video production techniques, tools, and equipment used throughout the video industry. Emphasis will be placed upon church implementation.

Requisites: None.

Offered: Fall, Spring.

COMA 2314 (3-2-1) Photography I

(ART 2314)

An introduction to the use of the camera and basic vocabulary. Fundamentals of exposure, development, and printing. Photographic composition, creativity, readings, and critiques are included. Students are expected to provide their own camera. Field Trip required. Photography fee.

Requisites: None.

Offered: Fall, Spring.

COMA 2318 (3-2-1) Basic Digital Design

(ART 2318)

Fundamentals of digital design are covered utilizing standard graphic software applications for PC and Macintosh platforms. Proven methods of effective communication through typography, layout, and design are discussed. Computer lab projects include creative design and cost-effective production of camera-ready art for posters, newsletters, reports, and display advertising. Lab fee.

Requisites: Non-ART and COMA Graphic Design majors.

Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer, Online. 

COMA 2330 (3-3-0) Introduction to Public Relations

This course will introduce the student to the concepts of public relations, organizational communication, message structure, ethics, writing, media law, organizational structure, and other related areas.

Requisites: COMA 1302.

Offered: Spring.

COMA 2331 (3-3-0) Introduction to Church Media

This course will examine the field of media ministry in the church and other ministry-related areas. The course will examine the historical and contemporary application of media in the church and examine the current role of media and technology in the church.

Requisites: None.

Offered: Fall.

COMA 3301 (3-3-0) Nonverbal Communication

Nine important code systems (excluding words) used daily will be studied in theory and in practice. Research project from print and societal observation is required.

Requisites: None.

Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer, Online.

COMA 3302 (3-3-0) Argumentation and Debate

Argumentation and debate skills are not only necessary for professional and personal success, but also are necessary to function as a contributing and responsible citizen in a democratic society. This course equips students to conduct research, evaluate evidence, and to use critical thinking skills to develop and respond to arguments by participating in team debates related to current events.

Requisites: COMA 1302.

Offered: Fall.

COMA 3303 (3-3-0) Small Group Communication

Students will learn how small groups serve at least three common functions in American culture: (1) by organizations to accomplish tasks, make decisions and solve problems; (2) by educators to facilitate learning; (3) by churches and other organizations to find community.

Requisites: COMA 1302.

Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer, Online.

COMA 3304 (3-3-0) Writing Across Media

Students in this course will develop writing skills used within a variety of media outlets. Students will become better writers/journalists by studying newsgathering and writing styles for newspapers, radio, television, magazines, the internet and beyond. An emphasis will be placed upon Internet integration. Project presentations are required.

Requisites: None.

Offered: Spring, Online.

COMA 3307 (3-3-0) Film and Electronic Cinematography

A study of the history of filmmaking and new advances in electronic media related to this medium. This study emphasizes the techniques used by great cinematographers and directors of both the present and the past. Reviewing many classic films for analysis will provide insight and a basis for discussion. This class is all lecture and no lab.

Requisites: None.

Offered: Spring.

COMA 3308 (3-3-0) Persuasive Communication

This course focuses on persuasion theory and its practical application. Basic components of the persuasive process and strategies used by persuaders are examined. Persuasion theory, analysis of persuasive messages in a variety of formats and contexts and the formation of effective, ethical persuasive messages will be emphasized.

Requisites: COMA 1302 and junior standing.

Offered: Fall, Spring, Online.

COMA 3309 (3-3-0) Oral Interpretation

This course focuses on the selection, analysis, and performance of selections from prose, poetry, and scripture using the principles and practices of oral interpretation. The course is designed to help students develop an expressive, confident public communication style. Topics include audience analysis, literary analysis, script selection and preparation for performance, techniques of vocal and physical delivery, and evaluation techniques.

Requisites: COMA 1302.

Offered: Fall.

COMA 3313 (3-3-0) Advanced Public Speaking

This course focuses on the development of presentation skills to enable speakers to connect with audiences in the workplace and the community in a professional and ethical manner in order to influence public discourse. Students are coached on how to develop an expressive, confident public speaking style. Topics include: audience analysis, research techniques, selection and use of a variety of organizational techniques to structure messages, techniques of verbal and nonverbal delivery, use of visuals, and evaluation techniques.

Requisites: COMA 1302

Offered: Spring.

COMA 3314 (3-2-1) Photography II

(ART 3314)

Advanced photographic skills developed through photography projects enhanced by digital imaging software and techniques. Students will learn to apply a state-of-the-art digital graphics program and selectively modify, enhance, and combine photographs to create images that communicate aesthetically and effectively. Students are expected to provide their own camera, film, and paper. A digital SLR (Single Lens Reflex) camera is required. Photography fee.

Requisites: COMA 2314.

Offered: Fall, Spring, Online.

COMA 3316 (3-2-1) Media Graphics

(ART 3316)

Development of skills and concepts necessary to produce artworks for use in the various media. Study and application of the basic materials, techniques, and vocabulary of the graphic and computer art field. Lab fee.

Requisites: None.

Offered: Spring, Summer.

COMA 3317 (3-2-1) Contemporary Advertising

(ART 3317)

Advanced study of basic visual communication design including lettering, layout, illustration, graphic reproduction processes, rough art, finished art, camera ready art, and computer art applied to specific design projects. Lab fee.

Requisites: None.

Offered: Online, Fall, Summer, Spring.

COMA 3318 (3-2-1) Web Design

(ART 3318)

Web publishing techniques are covered utilizing web-authoring software for PC and Macintosh platforms. Proven methods of effective communication through typography, layout, and design are discussed including creative uses of digitized illustrations and photography. Computer lab projects include creative design and cost-effective production of various types of web pages. Lab fee.

Requisites: ART/COMA 3319.

Offered: Fall.

COMA 3319 (3-3-0) Visual Communication

(ART 3319)

Skills in interpreting the visual messages viewed in print and digital media are essential in our media saturated world today. This course focuses on the development of visual literacy by helping students develop skills to critically examine the visual messages used in a variety of channels that impact our communication. Students also learn the Adobe Creative Suite®, including Illustrator®, Photoshop®, and InDesign®, the industry standard in graphic software. Lab fee.

Requisites: None.

Offered: Winter, Spring.

COMA 3321 (3-3-0) Graphic Design I

(ART 3321)

This studio course emphasizes the solving of graphic communications problems as it specifically relates to identity design in print form. Students gain a strong working knowledge of current computer art and layout applications, such as Adobe InDesign® and Illustrator®, and apply it to viable design assignments. Logo, letterhead and poster design are a few of the formats explored. Students are also challenged with basic Typographic and layout principles in conjunction with these projects.

Requisites: COMA 3319.

Offered: Fall.

COMA 3322 (3-3-0) Graphic Design II

(ART 3322)

In this studio course graphic design students continue their in-depth study of two-dimensional design principles as they apply it to formats such as package design and annual reports. An emphasis on preparing print documents for output or reproduction  is emphasized. Students will also improve their skills with Adobe Photoshop® as they create artwork and page comps for Websites and other digital media.

Requisites: COMA 3321.

Offered: Spring.

COMA 3325 (3-3-0) Lettering and Typography

(ART 3325)

Students will learn to consider three major things as they design with type: the form, direct and secondary meanings, and graphic impact of a particular typeface. The subtle relationship of type and visuals in a design solution, and how type can be used creatively and expressively by itself. In addition, technical typographic principles such as line, letter and word spacing, type alignment, classifications and styles will be explored through historical studies and class projects.

Requisites: ART/COMA 3321 Graphic Design I.

Offered: Spring.

COMA 3332 (3-3-0) Church Media Leadership

This course will focus on building the skills needed to lead and develop a church media team. Emphasis will be given to the heart of the leaders, volunteer team development, designing and implementing systems to foster creativity and sustain excellence, and the specific challenges related to media in the church environment. While church centric and media focused, this course will address concerns and challenges that most leaders face when leading volunteers and highly specialized teams.

Requisites: None.

Offered: Spring.

COMA 3333 (3-3-0) Field Experience – Church Media

This course is designed to give students the opportunity to observe and experience the various roles of a church media team in person through focused and systematic field experience. Students will be required to observe, in person, key church production roles in audio, lighting, and video.

Requisites: COMA 2331.

Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer.

COMA 3334 (3-3-0) Presentations – Church Media

This course will focus on the skills needed to effectively enhance communication using current graphic presentation software in a church context. This course will teach how to distill presenter notes to the most essential elements, explore the various visual presentation tools to build presentation graphics, and design visual presentations for worship lyrics, sermon graphics, children’s programming, teaching forums, and other church-specific presentation venues.

Requisites: COMA 1302.

Offered: Spring.

COMA 3336 (3-3-0) Media and Missions I

This course will focus on the use of media in a missions context and will explore the various ways that media can be utilized to enhance the missions efforts of local churches. This course will focus on missions stories and congregational communication. This course will also seek to find creative ways to serve the church both locally and internationally through the use of media tools.

Requisites: COMA 2331, 3340.

Offered: Fall.

COMA 3340 (3-3-0) Video Production

This course will study the fundamentals of video production techniques, tools and equipment used through the video industry. Emphasis will be placed upon secular and ministry application. Lab Fee.

Requisites: COMA 2302, 2304, 3304 or Art: Digital Photography major.

Offered: Fall.

COMA 3341 (3-3-0) Photography Process and Practice (ART 3341)

This is an intermediate to advanced level photography course that will further explore the photographic processes as it relates to artistic expression and experimentation with digital photography and media. An emphasis will be placed on generating a professional portfolio of images based on the students selected subject matter. Personal style and expression will be emphasized as the students strive to refine their working process, considering methods of presenting their work in various contexts.

Requisites: ART/COMA 3314 Photography II

Offered: Spring.

COMA 3350 (3-3-0) Social Media

This class will study the effects of computer mediated communication (CMC) and its impact on society. Message design, communication campaigns, crisis communication, and analytics will be studied with regard for various types of social networking services such as YouTube, Facebook, and Twitter.

Requisites: None.

Offered: Spring, Online.

COMA 4010 (4-0-0) Speech 7-12 Seminar

(COMA 5010)

This course is designed to help students prepare for the Texas Examination of Educators Standards (TExES). The course will focus on content and sample questions from state authorized preparation manual for Speech 7 - 12 and other appropriate sources in order to prepare students for the examination. Students must score a minimum of 85% on the TExES post-test to be authorized by the College of Education to take the TExES examination.

Requisites: None.

Offered: Fall.

COMA 4300 (3-3-0) Portfolio Research

(ART 4300)

In this course students prepare a marketable graphic design or broadcast/digital media portfolio, both physical and/or digital, of the work they have created throughout their college career. Lab Fee.

Requisites: Senior ART or COMA graphic design majors, ART digital photography major, or COMA broadcast/digital media major. Must be taken within the last two semesters.

Offered: Fall.

COMA 4301 (3-3-0) Readers Theater (S-L)

(MALA 5321)

Groups will perform selections of prose, poetry or scripture. Literary analysis will precede the addition of voice and body cues to emphasize meanings. Major project is to adapt a selection for the group to perform. This course contains a field-based service-learning component.

Requisites: None.

Offered: Spring.

COMA 4302 (3-3-0) Introduction to Linguistics

(ENGL 4301/5302, MALA 5342)

An introduction to the core linguistic areas of morphology, phonology, pragmatics, semantics, syntax, and related topics – with an emphasis on syntax and its application in stylistic analysis.

Requisites: ENGL 1301, 1302, and 2301 or 2302, or equivalent. It is strongly recommended that ENGL 3305 (S-L) be completed prior to this course.

Offered: Fall, Spring, Online.

COMA 4303 (3-3-0) Video Editing (S-L)

Basic camera techniques and composition will be reviewed. Individuals will study various editing technologies and styles. Digital videography, linear and non-linear editing will be taught and practiced. (Additional technical fee required.) This course contains a field-based service-learning component.

Requisites: COMA 2304.

Offered: Periodically.

COMA 4308 (3-3-0) Audio Production

This course will study the fundamentals of audio production techniques, tools and equipment used throughout the production industry. Emphasis will be placed upon production techniques using ProTools. Fall. Lab Fee.

Requisites: COMA 2302, COMA 2304, COMA 3304.

Offered: Fall.

COMA 4309 (3-3-0) Radio Formats

A comprehensive, hands-on study of various radio programming formats. Students will use various production tools to effectively produce specific radio format genres. Lab Fee.

Requisite: COMA 2302, COMA 2304, COMA 3304, COMA 4308.

Offered: Spring.

COMA 4310 (3-3-0) Internship in Communication

A supervised field placement in some phase of the communication industry. The course provides the opportunity for the students to integrate theory and classroom learning with practical experience. Interns are required to work 50 hours for each credit hour earned. Evaluation by both the field supervisor and the program director. Off-campus work required.

Requisites: Senior with minimum 90 hours.

Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer.

COMA 4315 (3-3-0) Political Communication

(POLS 4315, POLS 5311)

A study of new-style American political campaign tactics with an emphasis on how political consultants inform and persuade voters.

Requisites: 6 hours in Political Science or Communications.

Offered: Fall, even-numbered years.

COMA 4316 (3-3-0) Management and Communication in Film

(MANA 4316)

This course is designed to look at the Star Wars movies from two different perspectives. Half of the course will examine the movies from a historical and cinematographic perspective. The other half of the class will examine the series from a leadership/management perspective. Ultimately, both sides will come together to see how both can be used to illustrate a Christ-centered worldview.

Requisites: None.

Offered: Periodically.

COMA 4318 (3-3-0) History of Graphic Design I

(ART 4318, MALA 5359)

History of Graphic Design presents a chronological examination of western graphic design and covers each era of visual communication including early cave painting through the illuminated manuscripts, a Graphic Renaissance, the Industrial Revolution, the Modernist Era, and the Age of Information. This course includes videos, visuals, readings and study guides. Lab fee.

Requisites: Required for Graphic Design and Digital Photography majors, elective for other majors.

Offered: Fall.

COMA 4319 (3-3-0) Communication Styles: A Key to Business Success

(MANA 4319, MALA 5322)

An in-depth investigation of various communication, leadership, and personality styles and how they affect one’s competency rating in the world of business. Students will be encouraged to discover how they interact with others as well as learn how their communication strengths and weaknesses affect interpersonal relationships in the workplace. Assessment will use varied personality inventories.

Requisites: None.

Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer, Online.

COMA 4320 (3-3-0) Technology in Communication

(MALA 5320)

This course is designed to expose students to the technology currently available. Students will get hands-on experience on all current technologies and participate in class discussions based on advantages and disadvantages of each. Trends and futuristic applications of technology also will be discussed. It is important to note that there are no computer prerequisites for this course.

Requisites: None.

Offered: Fall, Spring, Online.

COMA 4321 (3-3-0) Advertising Design (S-L)

(ART 4321, MALA 5363)

This course engages the service-learning aspect of the Graphic Design concentration as students utilize their skills to aid a ministry, new or existing, by creating an entire identity campaign for them over the course of a semester. The campaign will include creating such promotional pieces as logos, newsletters, magazine ads, Yellow Page ads and brochures, to name a few. Each student will communicate and work with ministry directors in order to meet specific needs. Lab Fee. This course contains a field-based service-learning component.

Requisites: ART/COMA 3322.

Offered: Fall.

COMA 4322 (3-3-0) Leadership Communication (S-L)

This course focuses on the further development of public speaking, written communication, and group facilitation skills to prepare students for leadership roles for a variety of communication contexts and purposes. A service-learning project will be an integral part of the curriculum. Speaking and interacting from a servant leader perspective will be emphasized to prepare students for civic engagement in a democratic society. This course contains a field-based service-learning component.

Requisites: COMA 1302 and junior standing.

Offered: Fall, Spring, Online.

COMA 4323 (3-3-0) Communication Theory

The course introduces students to communication as a field of study. Major theories and models related to the study of communication are presented to provide a framework for communication coursework. Applications of the major communication theories will enable students to gain experience and proficiency in evaluating communication in a variety of contexts and situations.

Requisites: COMA 1302 and junior classification.

Offered: Spring, Online.

COMA 4324 (3-3-0) Pedagogy of Speech Communication

Success in learning is dependent on the quality of communication in the classroom environment. The course will provide students with strategies for teaching communication skills and content in a variety of classroom environments. Students will develop strategies to improve content instruction, group interactions, interpersonal relationships, and incorporate technology in a classroom setting.

Requisites: None.

Offered: Fall.

COMA 4325 (3-3-0) Communication in the Digital Age

(MALA 5325)

New and emerging communication technologies are drastically changing the nature of communication. This course will blend theory and practice to provide students with a communication-based perspective of current and future trends and issues associated with the digital age from a biblically-based perspective. At the same time, it will give the opportunity to sharpen critical thinking skills and further develop communication skills associated with the digital age.

Requisites: None.

Offered: Fall, Online. 

COMA 4327 (3-3-0) Color and Composition

(ART 4327, MALA 5329)

Color and Composition is a painting course that explores the potentials of painting in acrylics with emphasis on color, composition, expression, and technique as it relates to poster painting as it has been manifested over the past two centuries.

The techniques of German “plakatstil" or hard-edged "poster style" causes each student to break down the compositional surface of a painting so that eye flow is deliberate. The rule of thirds, balance, and visual hierarchy are also addressed. Lab fee.

Requisites: ART 1301 and 1303.

Offered: Summer.

COMA 4328 (3-3-3) Illustration I

(ART 4328, MALA 5336)

Students in this course are introduced to the methods of illustration, old and new, through a limited survey of the history of American Illustration. Each student is required to choose an abridged classic manuscript supplied by the instructor and a total of three major illustrations must be completed for that story. A research notebook compiling the students’ favorite illustrators will also be completed.

Requisites: ART 1302 Design II and ART 2303 Drawing II.

Offered: Fall.

COMA 4329 (3-3-3) Illustration II

(ART 4329, MALA 5337)

Students in this course will continue to develop the style and formulaic approach explored in Illustration I. Traditional and digital methods of illustration are all options for this course. Various forms of illustration, including black and white, editorial, and children’s book will be explored. For digital illustration, Adobe Illustrator and/or Photoshop will be utilized. A research notebook compiling the student’s favorite illustrators will also be completed. Lab Fee.

Requisites: ART/COMA 4328 Illustration I.

Offered: Spring.

COMA 4330 (3-3-0) Special Topics in Communication

(ART 4330, MALA 5383)

This course will offer students an opportunity to explore a cross-section of subjects focused on enhancing oral, interpersonal, and nonverbal skills. The exploration of basic communication concepts and application will offer students a hands-on approach to learning. May be repeated for credit when content changes. Grade replacement for special topics courses may only be accomplished under special topics courses with the same topic and content.

Requisites: COMA 1302.

Offered: Periodically.

COMA 4334 (3-3-0) Portfolio – Church Media

In this course, students prepare a marketable, church media focused, online portfolio that highlights the skills and project- based experience of the student. Students will also develop an effective resume to use in future job interviews. Further, mock interviews with church media leaders from around the country will be used to give each student practical interview experience and valuable constructive feedback.

Requisites: COMA 2331, 3332, 3340, 4303, 4308.

Offered: Fall.

COMA 4335 (3-3-0) Church Media Special Topics

In-depth study and discussion of various specific topics related to emerging and relevant issues in the discipline of church media. May include faculty presentations, outside speakers and/or a combination of these. Special topics courses will be offered periodically as full semester courses or as mini courses.

Requisites: None.

Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer.

COMA 4336 (3-3-0) Media and Missions II (Study Abroad) (S-L)

This course will focus on the use of media in a missions context and will explore the various ways that media can be utilized to enhance the missions efforts of local churches. This course will focus on missions stories and congregational communication. This course includes an international mission trip to help serve and train local church leaders in media. This course contains a field-based service-learning component.

Requisites: COMA 2331, 3340.

Offered: Periodically.

COMA 4338 (3-3-0) History of Graphic Design II

(ART 4338)

History of Graphic Design II presents a chronological examination of western graphic design and covers the modern era of visual communication from c. 1880 until present day; including Pictorial Modernism, the Bauhaus, the New York School, Corporate Identity, Postmodern Design and the Digital Revolution. This course includes videos, visuals, reading and study guides.

Requisites: None.

Offered: Spring.

COMA 4339 (3-3-0) Graphic Design Internship

A supervised field placement in a graphic design environment. The course provides the opportunity for the students to integrate theory and classroom learning with practical experience. Interns are required to work 50 hours for each credit hour earned. Evaluation by both the field supervisor and the program director. Off-campus work required.

Requisites: COMA 4310 and Graphic Design major.

Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer, Online.

COMA 4340 (3-3-0) Broadcast/Digital Media Practicum (S-L)

The broadcast/digital media practicum provides students the opportunity to apply and integrate knowledge acquired through coursework. Specifically, this course will practically apply all broadcast/digital media information through the production of live events for the purpose of developing and refining necessary competencies and skills for the students proposed career objectives. (Course is repeatable). This course contains a field-based service-learning component.

Requisites: COMA 2302, COMA 2304, COMA 3304, COMA 3340, COMA 4308.

Offered: Fall, Spring.

COMA 4341 (3-3-0) Business Photography

(ART 4341)

An introduction to the business of photography. A study of professional photography practices and the various avenues within which a photographer can work. Includes photography on the web and how to have an online presence that is beneficial in the photography business. Studio lighting will be explored as well as the basics of how to get a business started.

Requisites: ART/COMA 3314.

Offered: Fall.

COMA 4345 (3-3-0) Public Relations in the Real World (S-L)

This course is the capstone course for all Public Relations majors. Real-world concepts such as proper social media usage, organization communication, branding, ethics, media law, writing, crisis communication, business ethics, and business literacy are covered in this course. This course contains a field-based service-learning component.

Requisites: COMA 2330 and COMA 4322.

Offered: Spring.

COMA 4347 (3-3-0) Church Media Practicum (S-L)

This course will focus on hands-on church production through weekly production experiences at a local church. This course requires a minimum of 120 logged and verified production hours at a local church. Students will serve as volunteers on the media team of a local church in order to gain first-hand live production experience as well as in-depth understanding into media team dynamics. This course has a service-learning component. Students will need access to reliable transportation and will be required to serve as a production team member for a local church.

Requisites: COMA 2304, 2331, 3332, 3333, 3340.

Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer.

COMA 4348 (3-3-0) Church Media Internship I

This course will focus on hands-on church production through a professional internship with a local church or ministry. This course requires a minimum of 120 logged and verified hours at a church or ministry. Students will serve as contributing members of a church media team in order to gain first-hand production experience as well as leadership opportunities.

Students will need access to reliable transportation. This course should be treated with the seriousness of a paid job.

Requisites: COMA 4347.

Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer.

COMA 4349 (3-3-0) Church Media Internship II

This course will focus on hands-on church production through a professional internship with a local church or ministry. The internship can be with the same church or ministry as COMA 4338 or be with a different church or ministry. This course requires a minimum of 120 logged and verified hours at a church or ministry. Students will serve as contributing members of a church media team in order to gain first-hand production experience as well as leadership opportunities. Students will need access to reliable transportation. This course should be treated with the same seriousness as a paid job.

Requisites: COMA 4348.

Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer.

COMA 4365 (3-3-0) Practicum in Cross-Cultural Communication

The practicum will have two components. The first will consist of classes in relevant concepts of worldview and culture, the methodology of teaching English as a Second Language (ESL), class management, and the development of skills in cross- cultural communication, and Christian ministry. During the second component, which is field-based, students will teach for three to five weeks in an ESL program overseas. This may in certain sites be to teach Vacation Bible School or in community-based English programs. This course can be used to fulfill a three-hour, upper-division, communication course requirement.

Requisites: None.

Offered: Summer.

COMA 4380 (3-3-0) The Arts and the Creative Process

(ART/MUSI 4380, MALA 5372)

Analysis of the visual and performing arts including the study of the human process involved in the creation of the Arts. The study will include perception, criticism, and factors which integrate, influence, and create the arts. Field trips are required.

Requisites: None.

Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer, Online.