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MRKT 3301 (3-3-0) Principles of Marketing

Study of the marketing function of the firm and the impact of consumer behavior. Examines the variables of the marketing mix, product planning, pricing, distribution, and promotion. Investigation of the economic, political, cultural, competitive, and technological forces which influence the marketing environment.

Requisites: None.

Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer, Online.

MRKT 3302 (3-3-0) Marketing Research and Analysis

A study of marketing research theory and techniques. Orientation to research design, primary data generation, sampling of human populations, data analysis and report writing. Designed to promote an understanding of the interrelationship between marketing research and marketing management.

Requisites: MRKT 3301 and MANA 3305.

Offered: Spring, Online.

MRKT 3303 (3-3-0) Promotional Strategy

An active examination of the role of promotion in the marketing mix. Includes analysis of media resources and strategies for integrating advertising, promotions, personal selling, direct marketing, publicity, and public relations. Examines the nature of the communication process and its relationship to promotions.

Requisites: MRKT 3301.

Offered: Fall, Online.

MRKT 4301 (3-3-0) Retail Management and Merchandising

Concepts and principles of the retail operation, organizational structure, merchandising, store location, store policy, personnel, buying, selling, inventory control, budgeting, and the impact of the Internet on retailing.

Requisites: MRKT 3301.

Offered: Fall, Online.

MRKT 4302 (3-3-0) Professional Selling and Sales Management

Concepts and principles utilized in performing the role of the sales professional. Topics include consultative and relationship selling. Examines the development of effective communication skills.

Requisites: MRKT 3301.

Offered: Spring, Online.

MRKT 4305 (3-3-0) Internship in Marketing

Students will work a minimum of 120 hours in an internship and will apply and add to the knowledge developed in the classroom.

Requisites: Marketing major, minimum 60 hours, minimum 3.0 GPA.

Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer.

MRKT 4312 (3-3-0) eCommerce Development in a Global Market

This course examines the use of Information Systems in the field of Electronic Business as it is used on the Internet, World Wide Web and associated technologies for the use of marketing, selling, and distributing goods and services throughout the world. The area is changing and expanding rapidly, and this course will use student projects, readings, guest speakers and lectures to provide an overview of eCommerce to explore the international issues related to eCommerce, and to develop skills with a variety of web development tools and techniques.

Requisites: MRKT 3301 and STIM 3301.

Offered: Periodically.

MRKT 4315 (3-3-0) International Travel in Marketing

This course provides an overview of the cultural awareness and sensitivity needs of the marketing decision-maker. Emphasis is given to introducing students to the skills needed in the development of business leaders. Specific attention is given to such areas as intercultural communication, cultural sensitivity, cosmopolitanism, acculturation, effective intercultural performance, cultural management influences, cultural synergy, and world culture.

Requisites: None.

Offered: Periodically.

MRKT 4330 (3-3-0) Strategies and Problems in Marketing

This course examines contemporary marketing strategies and problems faced by a variety of companies in different industries. The course uses the case approach to cover such areas as product development, packaging, pricing, distribution, merchandising, and promotion.

Requisites: MRKT 3301 and three of the following: MRKT 3302, 3303, 4301, 4302.

Offered: Fall, Spring, Online.

MRKT 4331 (3-3-0) New Product Marketing

This is a course in entrepreneurial marketing management as applied to the decision process of new and developmental products and services using the case method. The student learns to apply marketing concepts and refine problem-solving skills in developing a "new product strategy." The course will also cover the process of securing patents, trademarks, and copyrights.

Requisites: MRKT 3301.

Offered: Periodically.

MRKT 4341 (3-3-0) Independent Readings in Marketing

This course will provide the student an understanding of some of the contemporary issues and problems encountered in marketing and to focus on building customer relationships as well as identifying and satisfying customer needs. Also, the student will gain a critical capacity for reading and comprehending current literature in the field of marketing. 

Requisites: MRKT 3301.

Offered: Periodically.

MRKT 4342 (3-3-0) Services Marketing

The primary objective of this course is to prepare students to be successful marketers in an increasingly service-oriented economy. The course is designed to help students understand the unique characteristics of services, the marketing challenges created by these characteristics, and effective ways to address these challenges within a service-quality framework.

Requisites: MRKT 3301.

Offered: Periodically.

MRKT 4343 (3-3-0) Global Marketing

This course has the overall purpose of familiarizing the student with the multiple environments of international business as it relates to marketing. Specifically, the course investigates how marketing strategy is affected by political, legal, economic, cultural, social, competitive and technological conditions in various national markets.

Requisites: MRKT 3301.

Offered: Online, Periodically.

MRKT 4344 (3-3-0) Marketing the Individual

This course is designed for students to gain a better understanding of their own interests, abilities, skills, and values as they relate to their marketability in today’s work force and society. It prepares those entering a career, changing careers, as well as those moving up the organizational ladder. Included is the development of career planning and management through resume and interview preparation; an industry and comprehensive job search plan; video resume and video interview; computer- generated employment opportunities through the Internet; and aptitude, personality, and motivational testing.

Requisites: MRKT 3301.

Offered: Periodically.

MRKT 4345 (3-3-0) Consumer Behavior

This course will endeavor to apply concepts, principles, and theories from various social sciences to the study of factors that influence the acquisition, consumption, and disposition of products, services, and ideas. The principles from a number of disciplines are used to describe and explain consumer behavior including economics, psychology, social psychology, sociology, and anthropology.

Requisites: MRKT 3301.

Offered: Spring, Online.

MRKT 4346 (3-3-0) Customer Satisfaction

Providing excellent, efficient, and timely customer service is necessary in today’s business world to remain competitive. This course will include methods for managing a company’s customer base and for keeping customers in order to increase profits for the company. Students will be given both the customer’s and the provider’s perspective of this important aspect of conducting business in the global marketplace. Special emphasis will be placed on the company’s role in creating the best environment for customer/provider interaction.

Requisites: MRKT 3301.

Offered: Periodically.

MRKT 4347 (3-3-0) Special Topics in Marketing

A study of a selected topics, strategies, or problems facing the marketing decision-maker today. Examples are business development strategies, marketing for nonprofit organizations, creativity in marketing, fashion merchandising, physical distribution, advanced marketing research, new product management, services marketing, and power retailing strategies. May be repeated for credit when content changes. Grade replacement for special topics courses may only be accomplished under special topics courses with the same topic and content.

Requisites: MRKT 3301.

Offered: Periodically.