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College of Education

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The Dorothy M. Bush College of Education has offered fully accredited educator preparation programs since 1966. The college offers programs of study at both the undergraduate and graduate levels. Professors of the college integrate faith and learning from a biblical worldview in every class. Graduates of our programs are in high demand by area school districts and private schools.

The DBU Educator Preparation Program provides students with rich field-based experiences in public and private, urban and rural, large and small school settings. Our student teacher preparation can include observation of master teachers and involvement with before and after school care.

Representatives from various academic disciplines of the University and administrators are selected to serve on the Educator Preparation Program Committee which functions as an advisory group for the education program. The Educator Preparation Program at Dallas Baptist University is accredited by the Texas Education Agency (TEA) and approved by the State Board for Educator Certification (SBEC) to prepare, train, and recommend teacher, school counselor, diagnostician, reading specialist, principal, and superintendent candidates for certification. The Kinesiology Department is also part of the College of Education, as well as the Pathways to Teaching program (teacher certification as a post-baccalaureate student and not seeking a master’s degree). 


The Dorothy M. Bush College of Education is dedicated to quality, Christ-centered preparation of learner-centered educators for servant leadership in private and public schools. Professors have vital concerns for the total development of individual students, helping them learn ways to become loving, caring educators as they fulfill the important task of equipping children, youth, and adults to become lifelong learners and productive citizens.


The goal of the Educator Preparation Program is to prepare candidates who have the following competencies:

(Based on the InTASC Core Standards in addition to five standards specific to the State and Institution.)

  1. Learner Development. The candidate understands how learners grow and develop, recognizing that patterns of learning and development vary individually within and across the cognitive, linguistic, social, emotional, and physical areas, and designs and implements developmentally appropriate and challenging learning experiences.

  2. Learning Differences. The candidate uses an understanding of individual differences and diverse cultures and communities to ensure inclusive learning environments that enable each learner to meet high standards.

  3. Learning Environments. The candidate works with others to create environments that support individual and collaborative learning, and that encourage positive social interaction, active engagement in learning, and self-motivation.

  4. Content Knowledge. The candidate understands the central concepts, tools of inquiry, and structures of the discipline(s) he or she teaches and creates learning experiences that make these aspects of the discipline accessible and meaningful for learners to assure mastery of the content.

  5. Application of Content. The candidate understands how to connect concepts and use differing perspectives to engage learners in critical thinking, creativity, and collaborative problem solving related to authentic local and global issues.

  6. Assessment. The candidate understands and uses multiple methods of assessment to engage learners in their own growth, to monitor learner progress, and to guide the candidate’s and learner’s decision making.

  7. Planning for Instruction. The candidate plans instruction that supports every student in meeting rigorous learning goals by drawing upon knowledge of content areas, curriculum, cross-disciplinary skills, and pedagogy, as well as knowledge of learners and the community context.

  8. Instructional Strategies. The candidate understands and uses a variety of instructional strategies to encourage learners to develop a deep understanding of content areas and their connections, and to build skills to apply knowledge in meaningful ways.

  9. Professional Learning and Ethical Practice. The candidate engages in ongoing professional learning and uses evidence to continually evaluate his/her practice, particularly the effects of his/her choices and actions on others (learners, families, other professionals, and the community), and adapts practice to meet the needs of each learner.

  10. Leadership and Collaboration. The candidate seeks appropriate leadership roles and opportunities to take responsibility for student learning, to collaborate with learners, families, colleagues, other school professionals, and community members to ensure learner growth and to advance the profession.

  11. Legal and Ethical Aspects. The candidate understands the legal aspects of teaching including the rights of students and parents/families, as well as the legal rights and responsibilities of the educator. The educator will commit to uphold the Texas Educator Code of Ethics.

  12. Educator Excellence. The candidate understands the characteristics of educator excellence as defined by Texas approved appraisal systems.

  13. College/Career Readiness through the Use of State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness (STAAR) and End of Course Exams (EOC). The candidate understands and is able to implement the state standards for what students should know and be able to do and implements the Texas curriculum standards to advance the mission of Texas: college and career-ready students. (STAAR, EOC)

  14. Texas Examination for Educator Standards (TExES). The candidate understands and demonstrates competencies related to their field of study by successful performance on state certification exams.

  15. Service-Learning. The candidate understands the relevance of DBU service-learning in enhancing student learning, fostering civic responsibility, and developing servant leaders.


The College of Education offers routes to educator certification for Core Subjects Early Childhood through Grade 6 (EC-6), Grades 4-8, Grades 7-12, and Early Childhood through Grade 12 (EC-12) certification. Students who pursue educator certification do not declare a major in "education." Students seeking Core Subjects EC-6 or Grades 4-8 certification are "interdisciplinary academic" majors. Students pursuing Grades 7-12 certification will major in one of the following disciplines/teaching fields: biology, English, history, mathematics, natural sciences, or speech communication. Students pursuing EC-12 certification must choose a major in either physical education, music, or special education. All students seeking certification must meet State Board for Educator Certification (SBEC) and university Bachelor of Arts (BA) or Bachelor of Science (BS) degree requirements, or Bachelor of Music Education (BME) degree requirements for EC-Grade 12 Music Education Teacher Certification (Choral).

No education courses (EDUC, ECHE, nor READ), with the exception of EDUC 1017 and EDUC 3313 may be taken without the approval of the academic advisor until the student is accepted into the Educator Preparation Program.

Certification is available for post-baccalaureate students through the Pathways to Teaching Program in the College of Education. See the Pathways to Teaching section in this catalog for further details.


Freshman and transfer students are encouraged to declare their intention to work toward educator certification as early as possible after enrolling at DBU. A College of Education advisor counsels with each student individually to develop a semester-by-semester degree plan to assure proper sequence of courses. Students wishing to officially enter the Educator Preparation Program should make application to the program during the sophomore year (after 45 semester hours) or transfer students after one semester of residence at DBU. Applications to the program will be considered based on the following criteria:

  • Required level of performance on the SAT administered prior to March 5, 2016: 1070 with 500 Critical Reading and 500 Mathematics OR SAT administered on or after March 5, 2016: 480 Evidenced-Based Reading and Writing, and 530 Mathematics (mixing or combining scores from SAT administered prior to March 5, 2016, and the SAT administered on or after March 5, 2016, is not allowable) OR ACT: 23 composite with 19 on English and 19 on Mathematics. If current SAT/ACT scores do not meet minimum standards, the candidate must take or retake the ACT (for a total of two attempts). If standard is not met after two ACT attempts, then TSI is accepted with the following minimum scores: Mathematics: 350, Reading: 351, Writing: a placement score of at least 340 and an essay score of at least 4; or a placement score of less than 340, and an ABE Diagnostic level of at least 4, and an essay score of at least 5.

  • An application of petition filed with the College of Education requesting admission to the Educator Preparation Program.

  • Completion of an interview with a College of Education faculty member.

  • Three letters of recommendation must be submitted: (1) from the College of Education and (2) from their content area.

  • Completion of at least 45 semester hours with a minimum overall Grade Point Average of 3.0 and a minimum 3.0 Grade Point Average in the teaching field/academic concentration at the time of application to the program. The 3.0 GPA criteria must be maintained to remain in the program. Transfer students must meet these same requirements and apply after a semester of residence at DBU.

  • Prior to applying to the Educator Preparation Program, a degree plan must be selected by the student and a College of Education advisor and filed with the Registrar.

  • Completion of the following courses: EDUC 1017, 3313 and MATH 1303.

  • Evidence of the personal qualities and characteristics desired in a teacher as judged by the Educator Preparation Program Committee.

  •  Completion of an interview with the EPP Committee.

  •  Signed Revised Code of Ethics and Standard Practices for Texas Educators must be kept in the student file.

  •  Math and Science certification majors must have completed 15 credit hours in their content field prior to admission to the Educator Preparation Program. All other content areas must have completed 12 credit hours in their content field prior to admission to the Education Preparation Program.

  •  Upon receipt of a letter of admission to the Educator Preparation Program, candidate must provide a written response acknowledgment of acceptance of admittance to the program.


Students admitted to the Educator Preparation Program are required to attend a minimum of ten Student Education Association (SEA) meetings before graduation. Students transferring to DBU with 60-89 semester hours are required to have eight SEA attendance, while those with 90 or more hours need four attendances. A record of SEA attendances is maintained in the student's file to determine eligibility for certification.

Candidates in the educator programs are required to purchase a TaskStream account. TaskStream is the data management system in the College of Education.


Students must fulfill the following conditions to continue in the Educator Preparation Program:

  1. Students must maintain and graduate with an overall institutional GPA of 3.0 and must maintain and graduate with an institutional GPA of 3.0 in his or her teaching field/academic concentration.

  2. Students must be advised by a College of Education advisor before enrollment for each semester. Additional conferences may be required by the advisor.

  3. Personal conduct must be in harmony with university standards.

  4. Students must reflect those personal qualities and professional characteristics identified by the Educator Preparation Program Committee which are conducive for employment in a teaching position.

  5. A professional attitude must be developed and maintained during the sequence of professional educational courses.

  6. Students are required to take the appropriate Texas Examination of Educator Standards (TExES) to be eligible for recommendation to SBEC for certification. These tests include a pedagogy and professional responsibilities test and a content area test. All of the following must be fulfilled regarding the TExES:

a. Students must enroll in and attend Educator Preparation Seminars and pass a practice TExES test(s).

b. Students will not be approved to take TExES tests until they have scored 85 percent or above on the appropriate practice test given by the University.

c. Students are permitted to take only one TExES test per test administration. Secondary students may take their subject area TExES after all course work in that field is completed and they have scored 85 percent or above on the university practice test.

d. Students who do not achieve a passing score on the TExES test(s) will be required to attend TExES study sessions before being approved to retake the test(s). Students may also be required to seek help from professors in their teaching field/academic concentration.

  1. Students will report to their first supervising teacher. Students will observe and assist the supervising teacher and keep a journal of their experiences.

  2. All students seeking educator certification must complete the program of study for educator certification in their subject area as approved by the Educator Preparation Program Committee, the University, and the State Board for Educator Certification.


The following list identifies the criteria for admission to clinical teaching:

  • Admitted to the Educator Preparation Program.

  • Maintain a minimum institutional overall Grade Point Average of 3.0 and a minimum institutional 3.0 Grade Point Average in the teaching field/academic concentration.

  • Application should be made during Field-Based I classes.

  • Evidence of the personal qualities and characteristics desired in the "Code of Ethics and Standard Practices for Texas Educators."

  • TExES practice tests (content and pedagogy and professional responsibilities) are given in the Educator Preparation Seminars. Teacher candidates must pass both TExES state tests in order to be permitted into Clinical Teaching.

  • Teacher Candidates will take the content and pedagogy and professional responsibilities TExES seminars during their field-based experience. Teacher candidates are not approved to take a state test until the teacher candidate has successfully passed the appropriate practice test. Teacher candidates must pass the first state test before being allowed to register for a second (different) test.

  • Students must pass both TExES state test(s) to be permitted to student teach.

Policy Regarding Releasing a Clinical Teacher for Full-time Employment

The College of Education faculty has determined that clinical teaching is a critical component and the culminating experience of educator preparation. Therefore, the COE has established the following standards for releasing a student teacher for full-time employment at the request of a school district:

1.     The clinical teacher must have completed a minimum of 14 weeks in the student teaching assignment.

2.     The request must originate from the district where the clinical teacher is student teaching.

3.     A committee consisting of the following individuals will be involved in determining if the clinical teacher will be permitted to sign a contract with the school district to be placed in a classroom as a regular teacher: Director of Field Experience, DBU's supervising professor(s), Dean of the College of Education.

Should a clinical teacher elect to ignore these guidelines, the student shall be withdrawn from clinical teaching and thus not be eligible to receive a teaching certificate from the state with the approval of the College of Education at DBU.

In addition, this would prevent an undergraduate student from receiving a degree unless a General Studies degree requirement could be met without the six hours of clinical teaching.


In the event a student becomes ineligible to continue in the Educator Preparation Program, the student will be redirected through consultation with a faculty advisor in the College of Education and/or the Dean of the College of Education. Every attempt will be made to effect such redirection as early as possible so that the student may experience a minimum of inconvenience in the total program.