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Grading and Progression


The grade represents all the work of the student in the course concerned including the daily recitations, tests and examinations, outside assignments, and the final examination. Students are graded on an individual basis, and the grade received is an index of that student's knowledge of the subject and quality of performance in the course.








































Audit (Attendance 75% or more)






Audit (Attendance less than 75%)









No Credit


* No Grade Point Value

Incomplete Grades.

Grades of "I" may be awarded only upon the approval of the faculty member involved. The student must remove the "I" no later than thirty calendar days preceding the end of the first long semester following the awarding of the "I" (such date to be published in the Academic Calendar); otherwise the "I" will become an "F." The grade "I" may be assigned only when the student is currently passing the course and in situations involving extended illness, injury, death in the family, or as a result of employment or government reassignment (documentation required). These events must be the cause of a student's inability to complete course work. Note: Students cannot participate in commencement ceremonies or graduate until all incomplete grades have been removed.

"W" Grades.
A student may withdraw from a single course, or from the University completely, and be eligible to receive a "W" for the course(s). This grade will indicate that the student will not receive credit for the course, nor will the course be computed in the student's GPA.
The student must withdraw from the course within the date and time specified in the online Schedule of Classes General Information and the Academic Calendar. If an official (full) withdrawal occurs prior to completing 60% of the semester or term, a pro-rated portion of all federal financial aid received during the semester will have to be returned within 45 days of withdrawal.

"CR" Grades.
"CR" is used only in giving credit for Chapel attendance, credit by examination, courses designed for evaluation with no grade description, and all courses accepted in transfer.

"NC" Grades.
"NC" indicates a non-credit experience. It is not a failing grade, but the student must register for the course again to pursue credit.

Grade Point Average

A student's relative progress toward a degree is measured in part by the grade point average. To determine the grade points earned in each course, simply multiply the number of credit hours for the course by the grade point value of the grade received.
For example, a student who made an "A" in a three-hour course would receive 12 grade points for the course (3 credit hours x 4 = 12 grade points).

The grade point average is determined by dividing the total number of points earned by the number of credit hours attempted (displayed as CredCalc on grade report). For example, a student who had earned 36 grade points in taking 12 credit hours of
courses would have a grade point average of 3.00 (divide 36 by 12 to get the average grade point).

The cumulative grade point average for students is determined by dividing the total number of points earned in all courses completed at DBU by the total number of credit hours attempted. The minimum satisfactory cumulative grade point average is 2.00.  

DBU requires a minimum institutional cumulative, major, and minor GPA of 2.0.

NOTE: The grade point average and the cumulative grade point average are not rounded past the 3rd decimal place.

Repetition of Courses

If a student repeats a course, the last attempt is a permanent grade for the course. Any previous grades will remain on the transcript, but only the last attempt will be counted in the cumulative grade point average. A student may not repeat at another Institution, a course in which a grade has already been earned at Dallas Baptist University. DBU grades always take precedence over courses taken at other institutions.

Failing Grade: A student who receives a failing grade (F) must retake and pass the failed course within 12 months if the failed course is a requirement for the degree(s) the student is pursuing. Substitutions cannot be made for courses that have been failed.

A minimum cumulative undergraduate GPA of 2.0 is required in order to graduate with an Undergraduate degree.

Audit Grades and Policy

A student who has paid an audit fee may visit a course; however, there is no privilege of class participation including taking tests and submission of materials to be graded. Occasional visitation of classes by currently enrolled students is allowed with the consent of the instructor. Any extended attendance requires registration and payment of appropriate fees. Auditors are admitted to classes on a space available basis under the following guidelines:

  1. Any interested person, including currently enrolled students, may audit one or more courses.

  2. Non-students must complete an application for admission form and be approved for enrollment by the Admissions Office. A non-refundable $25 application fee will be charged. The fee is waived if the online application for admission is submitted.

  3. Individuals who desire to audit graduate courses must be admitted for graduate study or have documentation indicating the completion of a baccalaureate degree and approval from the Admissions Office.

  4. The only period during which students may register for an audit course, change a credit course to audit, or change an audit course to credit is during late registration as published in the University calendar. Appropriate tuition and fees will apply. Individuals must complete a Registration Form or Change of Schedule Form (Add/Drop) as appropriate. The audit course(s) should be clearly marked as such by the advisor by placing AUDIT ONLY in the course description section of the appropriate form.

  5. Enrollment as an auditor is subject to the approval of the dean of the related college. It is recommended that prospective students consult the instructors of courses in which they are interested before they register.

  6. Policies governing prerequisites and academic load will be applicable.

  7. An auditor is not entitled to have work evaluated by the instructor and the degree of participation is determined by the instructor and dean. Individuals who wish to participate fully and engage in all instructional activities must register for credit and pay full tuition.

  8. Auditing grants only the privilege of hearing and observing and does not grant credit. An auditor's name will appear on the instructor's class roll. In order for the designation "AU" to appear on the transcript, however, the instructor must certify at the end of the course that the individual attended at least 75% of the class meetings as an auditor. If the student attends less than 75% of the class meetings, the designation of "X" will appear on the transcript.

  9. Audit and other appropriate fees, as prescribed in the University online Schedule of Classes information, are due at the time of registration.

  10. Full-time faculty and staff members will be eligible for audit tuition benefits consistent with the guidelines established in the University Tuition Remission Policy.

  11. No one is allowed to audit online classes.

Grade Reports

DBU utilizes the Self-Service System to access student information via the Internet. Final grades will be available online as soon as they are entered by the faculty member and will no longer be mailed to students. The Registrar's Office will only mail grades to a student upon request. Self-Service for Students/Faculty can be accessed from either the student portal or faculty portal.

While nonpayment of one’s DBU student account results in suspension of a student’s access to his/her DBU transcript or printout of grades, the student is permitted to make an appointment with the Registrar’s Office to examine his/her transcript on the computer screen in order to review academic status. The Registrar is not allowed to print out the transcript and give it to any student whose account balance has not been cleared.

Adding and Dropping Courses

Within the Add/Drop deadlines as recorded on the Academic Calendar, a student may change course sections, add one or more course(s), or drop one or more course(s) with no change recorded on the permanent record. In every case the student must submit a properly executed Add/Drop Form. To be properly executed, the form must be signed and dated by the student's academic advisor and be received in the Registrar's Office. The student must withdraw from the course within the first 65% of the term, according to the date and time specified in the online Schedule of Classes information and the Academic Calendar. After that date, the student will not be allowed to officially withdraw from a course. If the student has entered into a financial aid agreement, the student should meet with the Financial Aid Department. In every situation, the student is responsible for making sure that the form progresses through each step in the Add/Drop process, whether the process is conducted in person on the main campus or through faxes and telephone conversations. Any appropriate refund will be calculated according to the date the Add/Drop Form is received in the Registrar's Office. Students are subject to a drop fee each time a course is dropped. NOTE: Students verified by the professor(s) as never attending, for each of the classes in which they are enrolled, will be subject to an automatic drop from these classes, which will result in the cancellation and return of any financial aid received. 

Students who are eligible to register online may be able to Add/Drop online. (Students using WebAdvisor or Self-Service may not drop all classes in a term). Students must consult their advisor before changing their schedule. In every situation, the student is responsible for entry of correct information and for making sure that the Add/Drop process has been completed. Any appropriate refund will be calculated according to the date the Add/Drop is properly completed online. Students are subject to a drop fee of $40 each time a drop is made. Students are not allowed to withdraw from classes online.

Note: International students are responsible for maintaining appropriate course loads per INS guidelines. All add/drop/withdrawals can only be processed upon approval of the International Office and appropriate academic advisor.

Official Withdrawal

It is the student's responsibility to officially withdraw from the University when necessary. Failure to officially withdraw through the Registrar's Office will cause the student to receive an "F" in each course regardless of the record at the time one ceased to attend class. (Withdrawal from the University does not automatically withdraw the student from housing).

After the Add/Drop deadlines recorded on the Academic Calendar, a student may drop one or more courses; this is defined as Withdrawal. Withdrawal from ALL courses on ANY date is known as Official (Full) Withdrawal from the University. Students will be required to have an exit interview with the Vice President prior to Official (Full) Withdrawal from the University. If the Official (Full) Withdrawal occurs prior to completing 60% of the semester or term, a pro-rated portion of all federal financial aid received during the semester will have to be returned within 45 days of withdrawal.

In every case the student must submit a properly executed WITHDRAWAL FORM. To be properly executed, the form must: (1) be signed and dated by the student’s advisor, and (2) be received in the Registrar's Office. If the student has entered into a financial aid agreement, the student should meet with the Financial Aid Department. Federal Financial Aid recipients who withdraw from all classes before 60% of the semester is completed, will be required to return a portion of the Federal Financial Aid received. In every situation, the student is responsible for making sure that the form progresses through each step in the withdrawal process, whether the process is conducted in person or through faxes and telephone conversations. Any appropriate refund will be calculated according to the date the withdrawal form is received in the Registrar's Office. Students are subject to the appropriate fee.

NOTE: Once the withdrawal period has expired, the grade of "F" will be assigned for courses not completed.

Exam Free Week

Major tests are not to be given, nor are major projects to be due, the week preceding final examinations in the fall and spring semesters.

Student Classification

A student's classification is determined by the number of credit hours earned or the degree for which the student is a candidate, as shown below:


Credit Hours of Work








90 or more credit hours of work, but has not yet graduated

Post-Baccalaureate Student

A student wit a bachelor's degree who is enrolled for one or more courses